Book or manage appointments.
Order medicines, including repeat prescriptions.
Test results
Get results of blood tests and other investigations.
Sick/fit notes
When you need a sick/fit note, and how to get one.
Join the practice
How to become a patient at our surgery.
Contact us
Our opening hours, how to find us, and how to get in touch.

Online Consultation
Find out how to order prescriptions, make appointments and contact the surgery online.

Friends and Family Test
Let us know how you found our service, and see previous responses.

We are Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Accredited
This means that, as part of the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant, we have an Armed Forces community champion and the team are trained to understand the health needs of Armed Forces veterans and the wider Armed Forces community. They are aware of services and organisations available for support and can refer you to them. Click here to learn more.